Welcome to Beaufort Belle Company, my latest venture! I couldn't be more excited to invite you on this journey with me. If you know me, you know that I'm the designer/owner of Fabulous Girl Clothing, which has been a love of mine for a long time now. FGC has been a huge part of my family's life, my youngest girls donning FGC pieces from the very beginning and my older girls pitching in and helping out with the business...and let's not forget my dear hubby who has schlepped more crates, carts and racks of clothing around than you can ever imagine! Let's just say it's been a family effort, loads of fun and definitely an adventure.
As a family, we've been on another journey. A few years ago we were convinced that we were going to up and leave SC for my husband's work. That decision was completely bittersweet, mostly bitter ;). You might remember that we had a successful shop on Lady's Island, Fabulous Girl Boutique. We decided to close it down so we could make our move to the BIG state of Texas. Guess what? Apparently God had other (and as always BETTER!) plans for our family. Can I get an Amen? Although we tried for a very long and an arduous 19 months of showing our home, we just couldn't get it sold , which was so weird because it's a good house in a wonderful neighborhood (AKA: God's work). I'm thinking although a completely exhausting experience, it was one of those things I can chalk up to being a great "character builder", as my Daddy would have said. This is where I'd like to say I'm ROFL, but instead it really made me want to pull my darn hair out, it. was. maddening and beyond exhausting in all regards.
Anyhoo, we came to our senses and pulled our house off the market...a hurricane a comin' will inspire you to pluck that for sale right out of your front yard. You know you can't have any flying objects in times like that. So...we stayed. Can I get another Amen? A huge weight was lifted! That huge feeling of relief comes over a person when one no longer has to keep a child filled +one dog house in total and complete show mode any longer, sigh. I could finally breathe...and think clearly again.
Do y'all know what happens when I start thinking? My hubby does and sometimes it scares the daylights out of him and rightfully so, I might add. However, this time was different. I was thinking so clearly that ideas began swirling in my head once again and BAM!, I had another "vision", shocker. My little girls are older now, pretty much have outgrown my FGC line (although it's alive & and well and adore it, I still do!) , my mind couldn't help but wander to Bay Street in beautiful downtown Beaufort, SC.
Girls! I have been dreaming, dreaming, DREAMING of having a shop on Bay Street ever since Brian (best, most supportive, making dreams come true hubby Ev-ah!) and I strolled down it at Christmastime years ago. We perused & purchased from the quaint, little shops, loving every minute of it, exchanging smiles and nods with newbies and bumping into friends, wishing each other a Merry Christmas (knowing full well we were saying: I love you friend.) It was dreamy, so picturesque! Fast forward to one night this last spring when we went to dinner on Bay Street. A sign in a window spoke to me, it said "Rent Me!!!!". Oh wait, maybe that read: For Rent. At any rate, my brain read it as "Rent Me!!!!", so I did!
In light of not writing a novel here and boring everyone to absolute tears, fast forward with me once more: Fabulous Girl Clothing + my girls growing up= Beaufort Belle Company. Beaufort Belle Co will be opening soon at 809 Bay Street in downtown Beaufort, SC. Just look for our new pink pineapple sign! We will offer a special array of Goods and Gifts for Southern Girls of all ages, unlike anything else in Beaufort.
In closing I'd like to share with you our mission statement, as I believe it speaks volumes, shares our values and reminds you who we are and that we're here for you!

Always remember...Life is Beautiful in Beaufort Belle!
Last year in April my husband and I where loving life, spending 2 weeks in Beaufort.
I just happened upon your lovely shop and abouslty loved everything in it!
I spent over an hour shoppibg and chatting with the lovely person who was working at the time.
My step-mother grew up in Beaufort and she and my father bought a lovely bungalow in Beaufort as their 2nd home and we enjoyed alot of summer’s exploring all the nook’s and crannies of Beaufort.
Now, the house is rented out but it doesn’t stop us from planning every vacation to this place that literally tug’s at my heart string’s and is alway’s calling me back.
Warmest Regards,
Loved reading every bit of this Rachel! It is truly inspiring to watch you make your dreams a reality. Being able to read your thoughts is a bonus in joining you on the journey! I feel completely honored and am beyond excited to immerse a handful of little girls in a true Beaufort Belle experience next weekend! ❤
You’re the best and have always been great with the gift of words. Thank you so much for the vote of confidence and kind words. You need to come visit me in Beaufort, SC! It’s beautiful here!! xoxo Cousin, Rae Rae
Rachel, you are a true wonder and an inspiration to anyone with a dream! The shop looks gorgeous. I know it will be filled with wonderful goodies because you have loads of style. Cheers to your beautiful spirit. Love you, cousin Jen