So while chicken was fryin' away in the kitchen, we decided we had to get the Easter egg hunt underway for the kiddos before all the chocolates melted (notice all the glorious sunshine on our porch). Here you see our Queen of FC (fried chicken, in case you weren't following) ringing the bell to commence the race. "Hunt"... "Race". We know it's called a hunt, but let's be honest, it's a flat out RACE to get to the magical Golden Egg first!! Per our usual, we were far too indulgent with about a million filled eggs for a total of four children this year, but I figure they're only children for a short time, so why not indulge them on a special day. Never mind now that all week I've been telling them to stop eating so much candy, lol. It's a catch 22, but made for a fun and memorable day indeed.
Let me just say that if you don't have one of these bells on your porch or attached to the outside of your house, you should! It's so great and all powerful, too ;). Yes, handy-dandy indeed. Just a couple little rings and my girls (and grands) know to come running home, stat. You can't miss this ring, there's none of this "oh, sorry I'm three hours late, I was playing and didn't hear you" business. If you ever want to see me upset, be one of my children and "go missing". It doesn't matter if they're 28 or 8, if I ring you had better be answering...is all I"m sayin' about that. The bell works, plus don't you think it's a least a little charming?
BTW, Lauren is looking extra cutie in her hostess apron by Fabulous Girl Clothing. This shade of blue has been her favorite color forever and she loves to cook, so naturally I wanted to gift one to her. I was tickled to see that she brought it in her bag of goodies, along with those delish spices she mixed for the chicken. If you're local or visiting Beaufort any time soon, be sure to stop into Cook On Bay to see our selection of Ladies Hostess Aprons.
So not a lot of chit-chat about FGC's clothing today, but rather just wanted to share our special day of celebrating Jesus with y'all. It always proves to be a beautiful day and reminds us that there is so much to be thankful for. I mean, things can't get any better than "He is risen, indeed!", am I right? What a beautiful reminder for us all to get our priorities in line, reel ourselves in if needed and rejoice in the beauty and hope of Christ's resurrection. What an incredibly miraculous promise this is to us all.
On that note, it's hard to not celebrate and make the day extra special for the children, starting with the "kiddie table"! Oh my, the kiddie table. Every family has at least one of those, right? Talk about good times!! Below you'll see part of the tablescape for the littles around here. Aren't the napkins bunnies the cutest? Charlotte was in charge of that task and did a lovely job. Being the savvy 12 year old that she is, she promptly pulled up this video from Better Homes and Garden for some know how. She even convinced Lauren's boyfriend and sisters to help out. You know what they say, "many hands make light work"...or fun in this case. They were quite proud of themselves as they should've been. I'm on a mission to not only raise empowered and strong women, but ones who will be well acquainted with being a proper and creative hostess. So far, so good as my girls love being in the kitchen with me and learning and doing.
I couldn't resist throwing in a close up of our bunny glasses. I think they're just darling and pay homage to times past. I adore anything vintage and love setting a pretty table, which explains why when they were staring me in the face while at TJMaxx I had to grab some...ok, really about 20. Why so many you ask? Funny, my husband asked me the same question. Here's another tidbit about me: when I buy something I LOVE it, I don't just like it or feel "meh" about it as though "it'll do". That so is not me, either I love it or I'll do without it until I find what I LOVE, no in between. Plus if you didn't know, I have a thing for dishes, yes a real thing! I love to set a pretty table for my people to gather 'round. It makes me so happy! Is anyone else feeling me here? Same or not so much? With having six children + loving the pieces I purchase=having to buy enough to accommodate my family now and later when it grows. Funny, that last little bit is the part my better half doesn't quite get, but that's ok ;).
Our holiday dinner also included this delicious strawberry, banana and spinach salad. It's so springy and perfect for any spring or summertime dinner. I might add that it's been tossed with a homemade poppy seed dressing that is to die for yummy.
Have I told you about my new Go-To dessert recipe as of late? Our neighbors recently invited us over for a Southern Comfort gathering with friends and neighbors. I was going to take pimento cheese and crackers, but instead I happened across a recipe for the most divine (and SO easy it's almost silly) recipe for a beautiful tart. It was a hit! I will be sharing both the spinach salad and tart recipes very soon. Both are perfect for a Mother's Day brunch that is just around the corner...so stay tuned my Fabulous Friends!
They say pictures speak a thousand words and this one of Lili Mae certainly does that. Talk about a happy girl! She was so thrilled to have found the Golden Egg, so much JOY in that sweet face of hers. Dang, I love my babygirl! oh, and please pardon the ugly lawn bags, but we have a fairly extensive exterior reno going on and they're just left overs from that. I'll share the reno with you another day.
Happy souls, happy hearts, happy tummies, happy kiddos, happy girl: all sure did make Easter Sunday a Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner kind of day!
Embracing Girlyhood,