We have a Wonder-ful surprise for you today! Because we love you so and in honor of you being a Fab Girl VIP (aka: a newsletter subscriber) we're sneaking out to you a FABULOUS Early Bird Special before Black Friday even begins! Can you tell we're just a wee bit excited about this? Yesssss!
Starting today all of our beautiful Belle dresses will be deeply discounted to only $14.99 each. Yes ma'am, you read that correctly. Only $14.99, no strings attached and no code needed. Yipee! At this price, how about one in every color for your Fabulous Girl? I've carefully selected these prints & colors so they are wearable long after Christmas. You should be thinking: Christmas, St. Valentine's Day, St. Patty's Day...St. Everyday!
Our Belles are so beautifully made and so lovingly stitched out. My girls (my expert sewers, not my gaggle of daughters) pay great attention to every detail. It's a must for me. I can't help it, I'm a details girl and I only want to share with you the best quality clothing possible. Just look at how pretty our red damask Belle dress is. Isn't she Love-ly? ;)
I've been so giddy about our Peppermint Wishes Apron Giveaway and I finally get to announce it, yay. Please email me at Rachel@FabulousGirlClothing.com to claim your prize by end of day December 3rd. We're looking forward to sending some peppermint wishes your way!!

We have one last surprise for you. I couldn't let Terri be the only lucky one this season. If you've been drooling over this festive apron and you happen not to be Terri Wills, fear not. Starting today our entire collection of Ladies Hostess Aprons will be on Super Sale for only $29.99 (regularly $48), so that's a great buy! Our hostess aprons not only make great gifts for you grandma, mom, sister, mother in law, daughter, niece, neighbor, bestie, or cousin, but also for YOU! Time to treat yourself to a truly fabulous apron for all the season's holiday baking. You'll be glad you did!
Merry Christmas to you all!!
Embracing Girlyhood,